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Sentai Staffel: Shinkenger
Episode: [[Sentai:|]]

Marigomori (マリゴモリ Marigomori?, 16): Marigomori is an Ayakashi with a whiny introverted personality and the ability to curl into his snail-like ironclad armor who bent on making everyone more misrable than he is. But using a combination of heat and water, the Shinkengers manage to weaken the shell to use the Tora Five Rings Bullet to kill him. Revived, he is weakened by the elemental attacks of Shinken-Oh's Kabuto and Kajiki armor forms before it becoming Tora Shinken-Oh to finish him off. His hard, shell-like armor is the inspiration for the Sazae-oni (栄螺鬼?) of Japanese myth.